onsdag 25 juni 2014

What's that spell? ... Go to hell!

Det är mycket nu. Men lite tid har jag över, och den använde jag i dag för att t.ex. titta på Edward Bloms YouTube-kanal. Jag älskar Edward Blom. I videorna får man bl.a. lära sig att göra vuxennutella, som är ett sätt att få i sig whisky till frukost utan att ses som konstig. Jag och Edward delar nog inte riktigt samma favoritmat, men han är ju så himla skön.

Dagens låtar:

Jag trodde att the Hives hade lagt av, men insåg i dag att så inte var fallet. Yay!


I'm really busy right now. But I do have some spare time, and today I used it to watch Edward Blom's YouTube channel. He's a Swedish TV personality who really loves food. In the videos he makes different kinds of butter and a bacon drink. We don't really have the same favorite food, but I love people who are really passionate about something.

I thought that the Hives had quit, but today I realised that I was wrong. Yay!

måndag 16 juni 2014

And if I really wanted to learn something I'd listen to more records

I will never be anyone’s idea of normal. No sandstone institution will elevate my opinions to the status of truth. No industry will ever deem me their ideal: not of beauty, not of personality, not of anything. But I do not care about this, because I know that normal is a lie so I refuse to chase it. I refuse to change a single thing about myself in order to meet a standard that was never set with me in mind. I refuse to think or speak or act in a way that would make me more acceptable to the kinds of people society considers normal because I know what they do not: that the pedestal on which they are perched is a precarious one. Because the other thing about normal, you see, is that it is ever-changing, and the higher one climbs on the backs of the marginalised and dispossessed, the farther one has to fall when the goalposts shift.

Normal is a fiction, and to treat it as reality is to allow its toxicity to permeate our lives, to twist and contort us until we are unrecognisable even to ourselves. Do not strive to be normal; you will destroy the things that are true and valuable and lovable about yourself and you will still get nowhere. Strive instead to be yourself, and let the goalposts shift where they may.

Normal is a curious game, you see. The only winning move is not to play.

- Jaythenerdkid

Ibland hittar man bloggar där varje inlägg är välskrivet och man bara inte kan sluta läsa. Aaminah Khans blogg är en sådan.

Dagens låtar:

Har i princip bara lyssnat på Royal Republic de senaste dagarna. Läste i en intervju att deras inspiration var Danko Jones och the Hives. Har inte lyssnat så mycket på the Hives, men dagens låtar var ju bra!


Sometimes you find blogs where every post is well written and you just can't stop reading. Aaminah Khan's blog is one of those.

I have basically only listened to Royal Republic the past few days. I read an interview where they said that their main inspiration came from Danko Jones and the Hives. I haven't listened much to the Hives, they're pretty good!

fredag 13 juni 2014

And I'm looking at the world in a way you never could. I knew I'd be a traveling man, but I misunderstood

Jag förstår mig inte på sniglar. Vad ska den göra högst upp i en taggbuske?

Dagens låtar:

Bara Royal Republic i dag. Lyssnade på dem i morse på väg till jobbet. Bra musik om man är lite trött.


I don't understand snails. What's it going to do at the top of a thorn bush?

Only Royal Republic today. I listened to them this morning on my way to work. It's good stuff if you're a bit tired.

söndag 8 juni 2014

Sweden Rock Festival 2014

Första dagen.

Black Sabbath.


Ted Nugent finns där bakom nånstans.

Sista kvällen.
Man såg inte mycket på väg till parkeringen.

Sweden Rock är över för i år. Jag saknar det redan.

Såg mest fram emot:
Black Sabbath och Billy Idol. Har inte så många band kvar som jag måste se, men Black Sabbath var ett av dem. De var bra båda två.

Bästa konsert:
Royal Republic och Monster Magnet. Två band som jag egentligen inte var särskilt sugen på, men som båda gjorde riktigt bra spelningar. Alice Cooper var också riktigt bra. Tyvärr missade jag halva spelningen eftersom jag var tvungen att skjutsa hem min bror.

De fem bästa låtarna under Sweden Rock:


Sweden Rock Festival is over. I already miss it.

I was mostly looking forward to:
Black Sabbath and Billy Idol. There aren't that many bands left that I feel I need to see, but Black Sabbath was one of them. They were both good.

Best show:
Royal Republic and Monster Magnet. Two bands that I wasn't that interested in seeing, but they were both really great. Alice Cooper also did a really great show. Unfortunately I missed half of it since I had to give my brother a ride home.

måndag 2 juni 2014

It takes love over gold and mind over matter to do what you do that you must

Sammanfattning - maj

De fem bästa låtarna:

Jag läste också ut en bok, Haren med bärnstensögon av Edmund de Waal. Jag tyckte mycket om den.


Monthly recap

These are the five songs I liked best this month. I also read a book, The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal. I really liked it.