måndag 28 april 2014

My shit's fucked up

My arms looks freakishly long here. It usually isn't.

I dag fick jag veta att jag har för högt blodtryck. Behöver göra fler prover, så förhoppningsvis är det bara för att jag är så stressad just nu. Jag tycker att  det är så ironiskt att människor som missköter sin hälsa totalt kan gå på hälsokontroll utan några anmärkningar, medan jag, som varken röker eller dricker, känner mig som en 80-åring just nu. Det kanske bara handlar om gener ändå.

Dagens låtar:
Well, I went to the doctor
I said, "I'm feeling kind of rough"
"Let me break it to you, son
Your shit's fucked up"

I said, "My shit's fucked up?
Well I don't see how"
He said, "The shit that used to work
It won't work now"

I had a dream
Ah shucks, oh well
Now it's all fucked up
It's shot to hell

- My Shit's Fucked Up

Han är bra, Warren Zevon.


I went to the doctor today and found out that I have high blood pressure. They're still gonna run some more tests, so hopefully it's only because I'm so stressed right now. I think it's ironic that people who don't care about their health at all can be totally healthy, and that I, who don't smoke or drink, am feeling like an 80 year old right now. Maybe it really is all about genes.

Warren Zevon is really good.

lördag 26 april 2014

You know, I just had a short vacation, Roy. Spent it getting a root canal

Växten på sista bilden ser ut som nåt utomjordiskt.

Dagens låtar:

I can saw a woman in two
But you won't want to look in the box when I do
I can make love disappear
For my next trick I'll need a volunteer

I can pull a rabbit out of a hat
I can pull it out but I can't put it back
I can make love disappear
For my next trick I'll need a volunteer

- For my next trick I'll need a volunteer

Warren Zevon verkar ha gjort många bra låtar. Den första är en cover av Billy Bob Thornton.


The last picture looks like an alien.

It seems like Warren Zevon has made a lot of good songs. The first is a cover by Billy Bob Thornton.

torsdag 24 april 2014

I wear dark glasses to cover my eyes, there are secrets in them that i can't disguise

 A man jumped off a bridge in Paris.
 He must have been insane.

Dagens låtar:
Well now what's the use in dreamin'
You got better things to do
Dreams never did work for me anyway
Even when they did come true

- I Feel a Change Comin' On 

måndag 21 april 2014

Turn me around like broke down hound now

Våren verkar äntligen vara här.
Ebbott hittade en ny låda. Han älskar lådor.
Jag läser den första boken i Sagan om ringen-trilogin för andra gången. Den är så bra!

Har ätit en massa påskgodis.

Visste inte att man utsåg årets ätliga perenn. Visste inte att man kunde, eller ville, äta perenner. Jag vill det ej.

Såg två snokar! Den ena simmar där ute. Har alltid velat se en orm simma.

Dagens låtar:

Bara låtar från Blue Öyster Cults andra skiva, Tyranny and mutation.


Some pictures of what's happened this week. I saw two snakes! One of them is swimming in the last picture. I've always wanted to see a snake swim.

söndag 13 april 2014

The people came from all around to watch them tear the buildings down

Tycker att den rosa nyansen på Loka-flaskans kork kan vara den finaste jag sett.

Sportlunch är den godaste chokladen. Lägger alltid den tio minuter i frysen först, blir bäst då.

Dagens låt:


I think the pink color on the Loka bottle might be the prettiest I've ever seen.

My favorite chocolate is the Swedish Sportlunch. I always put it in the freezer for ten minutes, that makes it taste much better.

lördag 12 april 2014

They circled 'round the stagecoach, it was their daily fun, until they saw the driver smile and spied my trusty gun

Vi fikade hos mamma i dag. Ville ta lite bilder på blommorna, men det var någon som ville ha all uppmärksamhet.

Dagens låtar:

There are times when friends are strangers
And I've got to find myself a hidin' place
If you think you can help me, here's my number
I'll be hidin' out where no one knows my face

- Find out about love

Good stuff!


We had coffee at mom's today. I wanted to take some pictures of her flowers, but someone photobombed every shot.

torsdag 10 april 2014

Give me things that don't get lost

I dag var jag på gris-release. Två grisar ska böka upp jorden och sen ska folk få odla där. Grisarna var inte särskilt roliga att titta på, men Ebbott hittade en kompis och hade jättekul.

Dagen låt:


Today I went to see two pigs get released into a small pen. The thing you do when living in the country. The pigs were not that much fun to watch, but Ebbott made a friend and had a blast.

onsdag 9 april 2014

"Remember that murder that happened in a bar? Remember you said you saw the getaway car?"

Sniglar i överflöd. Jag har alltid undrat varför de klättrar upp i träd. Och är de som katter, och kommer inte ner igen?

Dagens låtar:


Snails galore. I've always wondered why they climb trees. And are they like cats, and can't come down again?

söndag 6 april 2014

Fistful of Demons

Ebbott är nyklippt. I dag åt vi middag hos mamma. Jag fick en påskpyntskyckling.

Dagens låtar:


Ebbott has just been groomed. We had dinner at mom's today. I got an easter decoration chicken.

lördag 5 april 2014

The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner

Dagens låtar:

En rocklåt om långdistanslöpning trodde jag aldrig att jag skulle få höra.


A rock song about long distance running is something I never thought I would hear.

torsdag 3 april 2014

Send lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

Snön kom tillbaka, men den är nästan borta nu. Men blomman som klarade sig igenom hela vintern var inte där imorse.

Dagens låt:


The snow came back, but it's almost gone now. But the flower that made it through all winter wasn't there this morning.

onsdag 2 april 2014

You hear him howlin' around your kitchen door, you better not let him in

I november bloggade jag om en blomma som fortfarande levde då. Jag trodde inte att den skulle klara sig igenom vintern, men det gjorde den minsann. Men nu snöar det igen.

Dagens låt:

Adam Sandler kan sjunga!


In November I blogged about a flower that was still around then. I didn't think it would make it through the winter, but it did! But now it's snowing again.

Today's song is really good. Adam Sandler can sing!

tisdag 1 april 2014

And then I face the wind

Sammanfattning - mars

De fem bästa låtarna:

Jag läste också ut de två sista Harry Potter-böckerna.

Dagens låtar:


Monthly recap

The first five songs are the ones I liked best last month.

I read two books - the last two in the Harry Potter series.