måndag 28 april 2014

My shit's fucked up

My arms looks freakishly long here. It usually isn't.

I dag fick jag veta att jag har för högt blodtryck. Behöver göra fler prover, så förhoppningsvis är det bara för att jag är så stressad just nu. Jag tycker att  det är så ironiskt att människor som missköter sin hälsa totalt kan gå på hälsokontroll utan några anmärkningar, medan jag, som varken röker eller dricker, känner mig som en 80-åring just nu. Det kanske bara handlar om gener ändå.

Dagens låtar:
Well, I went to the doctor
I said, "I'm feeling kind of rough"
"Let me break it to you, son
Your shit's fucked up"

I said, "My shit's fucked up?
Well I don't see how"
He said, "The shit that used to work
It won't work now"

I had a dream
Ah shucks, oh well
Now it's all fucked up
It's shot to hell

- My Shit's Fucked Up

Han är bra, Warren Zevon.


I went to the doctor today and found out that I have high blood pressure. They're still gonna run some more tests, so hopefully it's only because I'm so stressed right now. I think it's ironic that people who don't care about their health at all can be totally healthy, and that I, who don't smoke or drink, am feeling like an 80 year old right now. Maybe it really is all about genes.

Warren Zevon is really good.

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