fredag 31 oktober 2014

No mortal was meant to know such wonder

Tills jag har kommit på hur man för över bilder till datorn utan att använda iTunes får jag hålla mig till gamla bilder.

Dagens låtar:

She said, "I love the night
The day is okay and the sun can be fun
But I live to see those rays slip away"
"I love the night
Theres so much that I can show and give to you
If you will welcome me tonight"
- I Love the Night, Blue Öyster Cult

Gillade faktiskt varenda låt på Spectres. Tänkte att skivan passade, nu när det är halloween och allt. Godzilla, Goin' Through the Motions och Be My Baby hade jag hört innan, så de får inte vara med. Det enda jag inte tyckte om var titeln R. U. Ready 2 Rock, men man kan ju hoppas att det var coolt på 70-talet.


I actually liked every song on Spectres. Thought it was a fitting album, now that it's Halloween and all. I'd already heard Godzilla, Goin' Through the Motions and Be My Baby, so they're not included here. The only thing I didn't like was the title R. U. Ready 2 Rock, but let's hope it was cool in the seventies.

söndag 26 oktober 2014

Roland, bring their chief to me

Dagens låtar:

So, Christopher Lee has released a couple of metal albums. Today I listened to Charlemagne: The Omens of Death. It wasn't really my thing, but his voice is great for metal, even at 91 years old. I liked the last song on the album, Judgement Day.

måndag 13 oktober 2014

Punch your way to victory

I dag släppte Electric Six Human Zoo. Har redan lyssnat på den två gånger. Det var många år sedan något sånt hände. Älskar skivan.
Dagens låtar:


Electric Six released Human Zoo today. I've already listened to it twice. It's been a long time since I fangirled like this. Love the album.

onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Won't you throw this old dog a bone?

Månadssammanfattning - september

De fem bästa låtarna

Jag läste ut The Two Towers - J.R.R. Tolkien. Böckerna är så himla bra.


Monthly recap - September

I finished The Two Towers. They're such good books.

onsdag 24 september 2014

I ain't no square with my corkscrew hair

Ebbot har fått en ny frisyr. Jag och brorsans flickvän klippte honom. Det tog typ fyra timmar och jag vill aldrig göra det igen.

Dagens låtar:

Some goth rock and Blue Öyster Cult.


Ebbott got a haircut. By me (!) and my brother's girlfriend. It took about four hours and I never want to do it again.

måndag 22 september 2014

söndag 21 september 2014

Come on, superstar


Dagens låtar:

I love several Monster Magnet songs, but I haven't listened to very many of their albums. That's why I started this blog, because I always only listen to the same old stuff. I really liked these.

onsdag 17 september 2014

Didn't take no chances, I was a prisoner of doubt

1 2 3

Jag såg Edge of Tomorrow i fredags. I lördags började jag träna. Emily Blunts karaktär i filmen är nog en av mina favoriter någonsin, tillsammans med Hit Girl från Kick Ass och the Bride från Kill Bill. Såg förresten Kick Ass 2 i går, vilket fick mig ännu mer sugen på att träna.

Dagens låtar:

I'm dancing barefoot
Heading for a spin
Some strange music draws me in
Makes me come on like some heroine

- Dancing Barefoot, Patti Smith

Bara kvinnliga sångare i dag.


I watched Edge of Tomorrow last Friday. The day after I started working out. I think Emily Blunt's character in that movie is one of my favorite ever, along with Hit Girl from Kick Ass and the Bride from Kill Bill. I watched Kick Ass 2 yesterday, which made me want to start working out even more.

Only female singers today.

söndag 14 september 2014

söndag 7 september 2014

Dogs that howl from outer space come to Earth to lay to waste

Hittade några söta små hus på väg till bion i fredags. Såg Let's be cops. Den var bra!

Dagens låtar:

Some stoner rock today.


We found some cute little houses on the way to the movies. We saw Let's Be Cops, which was great!

fredag 5 september 2014

A village of wizards revealed me the way

Hösten är äntligen här. Önskar att året bestod av höst, vår och sedan en sommarmånad. 

Dagens låtar:

Power metal, yay. Gloryhammer was founded by Christopher Bowes, who's also a member of Alestorm.


Autumn is finally here. I wish the year was just autumn, spring and then one month of summer.

onsdag 3 september 2014

And which would you sell first, your soul or your gun?

Månadssammanfattning - augusti

De fem bästa låtarna:

Augusti blev visst en bluegrassmånad. Har hittat en massa bra låtar.

Tyvärr läste jag inte ut någon bok den här månaden. Ju bättre en bok är desto saktare läser jag den, och nu läser jag ju The Two Towers. Det tar nog en stund. 


Monthly recap - August

August turned into a bluegrass month. I've found so many great songs.

Unfortunately I didn't finish any books this month. The better a book is the longer it takes me to read it, and atm I'm reading The Two Towers. It's gonna take a while.

söndag 31 augusti 2014

I've got a world full of worry running wild in my head

Dagens låtar:

I went down to the river of insufferable sins
Lord I tried but the water wouldn't let me come in
Too many lives have been broken
There's too much blood on my hands
Only one soul in this whole world would have me just the goddamned way that I am

- Down to the River, Brown Bird

torsdag 28 augusti 2014

There's a thousand things you've got to see to believe

Första steget mot att skaffa en tatuering: kolla så att jag inte är allergisk mot färgen. Det var jag inte. Var så himla nervös eftersom jag har nickelallergi, men det ska tydligen inte finnas nickel i tatueringsfärg. Lika bra att kolla innan dock, kan ju bli lite knepigt att vara allergisk mot något som sitter permanent i ens hud.

Dagens låtar:


First step towards getting a tattoo: check that you're not allergic to the ink. I wasn't. I was so nervous since I have nickel allergy, but there's apparently none of it in tattoo ink. Might as well check beforehand though, as it might be a bit tricky to be allergic to something that sits permanently in your skin.

måndag 25 augusti 2014

I know a little German. He's sitting over there.

Jag såg några bra filmer i helgen.

Top Secret! Val Kilmers första film. Den är i samma stil som Den nakna pistolen, och sånt gillar man ju.

John Dies at the End Älskade den. Brukar oftast tröttna på filmer och tittar helst på serier, men jag ville inte att den här filmen skulle ta slut. Visste inget om den innan, och det brukar ju bli bäst så tycker jag. Den är i alla fall en sci-fi komedi.

The Inbetweeners Movie Har sett den här förut, men den är fortfarande en av de roligaste filmerna jag vet. Hoppas att den nya filmen visas på bio här i Sverige.

Dagens låtar:


I saw three movies this weekend. The Inbetweeners Movie I'd seen before, and it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

Top Secret! is Val Kilmer's first movie. I liked it. It's the same kind of humor as The Naked Gun movies, and you gotta like that.

John Dies at the End I'd never heard of before, but I loved it. Usually I get bored when watching movies and prefer series, but I didn't want this movie to end. It's a sci-fi comedy.

onsdag 20 augusti 2014

I wanna tell you a story, ain't got no characters in it but me


Dagens låtar:

Det här var ju riktigt bra.


Double rainbow!

Found some good stuff today, loved all the songs.

lördag 16 augusti 2014

Went down hard, got up like a champ to see a biker dancing on my amp

Bilder från den här veckan. Lyckades matcha strumporna med skorna. Det kan vara det mest spännande som hände i veckan, förutom när min mobil ramlade ner från sätet och gled genom hela bussen och ner i busschaufförens väska. Hade tänkt lämna in mina andra Converse, men skomakaren hade självklart lunch samtidigt som mig. Jag jobbade sista dagen i går. Hade gärna jobbat lite till, men det ska bli skönt att slippa gå upp klockan 6.

Dagens låtar:


Pictures from this week. I managed to match my socks with my shoes. That might be the most exciting thing that happened this week, except for when my phone fell off the seat and slid through the whole buss and down into the buss driver's bag. I was going to get my other Converse fixed, but the cobbler had lunch at the same time as me. Yesterday was my last work day. I would've liked to work some more, but it'll be nice to not have to get up at 6.

måndag 11 augusti 2014

Got me in a big mess, runnin' from the wolf pack


Det har gått hål i sulan på mina Converse märkte jag i dag när det regnade. Kanske inte så konstigt när de i princip är de enda skorna jag använder. Får ta dem till skomakaren tror jag, se om hen kan ge dem lite kärlek.

Dagens låtar:

Har nog bara blivit bluegrass hittills den här månaden? Tror vi fortsätter med det.


There are holes in the soles of my Converse. I noticed that this morning when it was raining. Maybe it's not strange, considering they're basically the only shoes I use. I think I need to take them to a cobbler who can give them some love.

I think I've only listened to bluegrass this month? And I think I'll keep it up.

söndag 10 augusti 2014

What would you think about me if I bared my soul

Jag läser den andra delen i Sagan om Ringen. Han är bra, Tolkien.

Dagens låtar:


I'm reading The Two Towers. He's good, Tolkien.

onsdag 6 augusti 2014

I'm surrounded by forever, but I don't have any time

Himlen i går.

Dagens låtar:
Through empty bottle alleys
You come shinin' like the sun
And with your golden fingers
You save me from drowning

And I love you little darlin'
And I'll love you till I die
Like sundown in the valley
Or the stars alone at night

- At Your Window, Trampled by Turtles

Vi fortsätter med Trampled by Turtles första skiva tycker jag.


The evening sky was beautiful yesterday.

I thought we'd continue with more songs from Trampled by Turtles' first album today.

tisdag 5 augusti 2014

Well, you know I wouldn't fight if these guys wouldn't shove me

Fick sällskap på lunchen.

Dagens låtar:

Gillade allihop!


I got some company at lunch.

Really liked all of today's songs!

måndag 4 augusti 2014

Liven up honey, it ain't that bad

Månadssammanfattning - juli

De fem bästa låtarna:

Ganska olika typer av låtar den här månaden.

Jag läste också två böcker. I Capture the Castle av Dodie Smith och tatueringsboken jag köpte. I Capture the Castle tyckte jag mycket om. Den andra var en besvikelse. Trodde att den skulle handla mer om olika typer av tatueringar, men det var mest en massa bilder på ganska tråkiga sådana.


Monthly recap - July

I listened to quite different songs this month.

I also read two books. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith and the tattoo book I bought. I really liked I Capture the Castle. The other one was a let down. I thought it'd be more about different kinds of tattoos, but it was mostly a bunch of pictures of pretty lame ones.

söndag 3 augusti 2014

There's still a spark in your eyes

Bilder från i helgen. Jag fick åka i en Alfa Romeo! Har velat ha en sån länge, men jag hade inte ens suttit i en tidigare. Nu har jag. Det var en ganska hemsk upplevelse, eftersom det var något seriöst fel på bilen. Man var också tvungen att starta den inom 20 sekunder efter att man hade låst upp den, annars fungerade den inte. Men jag gillar ju sånt. Gamla bilar med egna personligheter.

Dagens låtar:

Whispering winds come gently
And ease me to my feet
But there's blood in the air
And nice cars on the street
Just find a good place to hide

- Help You, Trampled by Turtles


Pictures from this weekend. I got to ride in an Alfa Romeo! I've wanted one of those for a long time, but I'd never even sat in one. Now I have. It was a pretty horrifying experince, since there was something seriously wrong with the car. You also had to start it within 20 seconds of unlocking it, or it wouldn't start. But I like that kind of stuff. Old cars with personalities of their own.

onsdag 30 juli 2014

That's exactly the way that I want it, that's exactly the way that I am

This morning was full of rain and thunder.

Dagens låtar:

And you know that I'm doomed to repeat this
With all the bad habits that I've learned
But it's better than your fire-borne fornication
And all the dirty money that you earn. 

- Wait So Long, Trampled by Turtles

A mixed bag today. But I liked them all.

måndag 21 juli 2014

I'm rising up, little by little, I'm moving from the outside to the middle

Vallmo är en av mina favoritblommor.

Dagens låtar:

Dunderhead (f. d. Angelina Darland & The Moonshine Brothers) är bra! Råkade höra dem under festivalen och blev intresserad när jag hörde en banjo. De är från Göteborg. Lyckades förresten höra banjomusik live två gånger i fredags. Det händer inte varje dag.


Poppies are some of my favorite flowers.

Dunderhead (formerly known as Angelina Darland & The Moonshine Brothers) are great! I happened to walk by when they were playing at the festival last week, and became interested when I heard a banjo. They're from Gothenburg. I managed to hear banjo music live twice last Friday. Yay!

lördag 19 juli 2014

He came and consumed and let fly

Hälsade på mormor i dag. Hon gör världens godaste mat och marängbakelser.

Dagens låtar:

Judas Priest har släppt ett nytt album. Det jag har hört hittills har varit bra.


I visited grandma today. She makes the best food and this delicious meringue dessert.

Judas Priest has released a new album. So far I like what I hear.